This is for our benefit more than anyone else's, but I'm always getting muddled about when I first enquired about this, or when our first appointment was for that, so I just need to write a list of when things have happened.
Dec 2011- Asked GP for referral to Paediatrics
Jan 2012- Letter from hospital explaining the waiting list is around 11 weeks
Jan - Told by Heath Visitor that speech therapy was unlikely at such a young age
20 Jan - Self-referred for speech therapy & occupational therapy
3 Feb - Health Visitor did SOGS test confirming River is developmentally delayed, agreed to refer for hearing test
24 Feb - Applied for Disability Living Allowance with help from Cerebra
27 Feb- Appointment for a speech therapy is offered
9 March- chased hearing test with hospital, they'd never received a referral! Called Health Visitor & asked her to please refer him.
12 March-Speech Therapy assessment
14 March- Portage home visit by Educational Psychologist
19 March- received Speech Therapy report
23 March- still no news on hearing test so chased again & was offered an appointment
26 March- received Ed Psych report
23 March- letter from DLA explaining they've requested a report from our GP
30 March- Paediatric assessment at hospital- although when we arrived, we were only seen by a registrar. He didn't have a copy of the Ed Psych report. He agreed to refer us to the autism specialist.
4 April- Health Visitor repeated his SOGS test at home
6 April- received paediatric appointment through as the registrar had promised- but instead of being with the autism specialist, it was with another registrar for September.
11 April- Appointment with GP, expressed unhappiness at being fobbed off with another registrar appointment. She agreed to refer us & ask for either the autism specialist or another Dr experienced in autism, NOT a registrar
25 April- Call from DLA requesting the Ed Psych report. Emailed it to them.
27 April- received Paediatric report
May- still not heard about paediatric assessment so called hospital & was offered an appointment with another doctor very experienced in autism for July
2 May- letter from DLA apologising for delay
8 May- received an appointment for the main autism specialist in June
8 May- Family Support Worker round to apply for 2yr old pre-school funding for River
9 May- Senior Portage Worker visit
14 May- received letter confirming our application for DLA was successful.
14 May- Family Support Worker called, application for 2yr old pre-school funding was successful.
14 May- Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy home visits
16 May (tomorrow)- Hearing test at hospital
16 May- Nursery nurse from Health Visiting team home visit
17 May- Occupational Therapy home visit
19 June- Paediatric assessment with autism specialist
13 July- Paediatric assessment with Dr experienced in autism
jeeze Gem. you are doing so well to keep track of everything, and having the guts and positivity to question what people are telling you. i hope that your writing about it helps you and i'm sure it will help other people who are going through similar experiences. doing this, managing with your business, and keep giving River all your love and attention, it's 3 full time jobs. claire